Britney Spears ( a legend ), she is considered a brightening star in the world of singing. Last year in december she launches a perfume named as The Hidden Fantasy Perfume, along with her new album Circus. Every body wonders that whats came in her mind that she planned and launched a perfume !!!!!! What is the combination of singing and perfume ??????? Where is singing and where is the manufacturing of a perfume..............
These are the few examples of the questions asked by the people. But every body is at one side and planning of Britney is at one side.
As all of you are seeing that this bottle of perfume is of red and i think of pink color, that shows the cutest and simply immature feelings of a person.
The Hidden Fantasy Perfume has the smell of Vanilla as well as cherry. Quite sweet and charming flavors that attracts anybody with their cool and peaceful fragrance.
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